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connectivity_details::CollectInterfacesAlongDim< StartEdge, InterfaceTypeSeq, insert_pos, FoundInterfaces, MatchingEdge, interface_already_found > Struct Template Reference

A class which collects interfaces along a given dimension on a specified direction from a starting edge. More...

Detailed Description

template<class StartEdge, class InterfaceTypeSeq, InsertPosition insert_pos, class FoundInterfaces = ddc::detail::TypeSeq<>, class MatchingEdge = equivalent_edge_t<StartEdge, InterfaceTypeSeq>, bool interface_already_found = ddc::in_tags_v< enforce_first_interface_edge_t< typename FindInterface<StartEdge, InterfaceTypeSeq>::type, std::conditional_t<StartEdge::extremity == FRONT, MatchingEdge, StartEdge>>, FoundInterfaces>>
struct connectivity_details::CollectInterfacesAlongDim< StartEdge, InterfaceTypeSeq, insert_pos, FoundInterfaces, MatchingEdge, interface_already_found >

A class which collects interfaces along a given dimension on a specified direction from a starting edge.

Template Parameters
StartEdgeThe edge from which the collection should begin.
InterfaceTypeSeqA DDC type sequence containing all the possible Interfaces.
insert_posThe position where the element should be inserted (back/front).
FoundInterfacesThe interfaces that have been discovered so far along the given dimension and direction.

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