No Matches
Edge< Patch, Grid1D, extremity_val > Struct Template Reference

Define an edge of a given patch. More...

Public Types

using associated_patch = Patch
 Patch where the edge is defined.
using perpendicular_grid = Grid1D
 Grid on the perpendicular dimension of the edge.
using parallel_grid = std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< Grid1D, typename Patch::Grid1 >, typename Patch::Grid2, typename Patch::Grid1 >
 Grid parallel to the edge.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr Extremity extremity = extremity_val
 Design if the edge is on the BACK or the FRONT of the other dimension.

Detailed Description

template<class Patch, class Grid1D, Extremity extremity_val>
struct Edge< Patch, Grid1D, extremity_val >

Define an edge of a given patch.

An edge is defined by a patch, a dimension and an extremity. For example, in the patch defined on logical index range \( [a_x, b_x]\times[a_y, b_y] \),

  • the edge GridY, BACK refers to the set \( [a_x, b_x]\times\{b_y\} \),
  • and the edge GridY, FRONT refers to the set \( [a_x, b_x]\times\{a_y\} \).
Template Parameters
PatchPatch where the edge is defined.
Grid1DGrid on the complementary dimension of the edge.
extremity_valThe BACK or FRONT value.

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