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IAdvectionRTheta Class Referenceabstract

Define the base class of 2D advection operators in polar index range. More...

Inheritance diagram for IAdvectionRTheta:
BslAdvectionRTheta< SplineFootFinder, Mapping > BslAdvectionRTheta< FootFinder, Mapping >

Public Member Functions

virtual host_t< DFieldRTheta > operator() (host_t< DFieldRTheta > allfdistribu, host_t< DConstVectorFieldRTheta< X, Y > > advection_field, double const dt) const =0
 Advect a function along the advection field given on dt with a given advection field along XY.
virtual host_t< DFieldRTheta > operator() (host_t< DFieldRTheta > allfdistribu, host_t< DConstVectorFieldRTheta< R, Theta > > advection_field, CoordXY const &advection_field_xy_center, double const dt) const =0
 Advect a function along the advection field given on dt with a given advection field along RTheta.

Detailed Description

Define the base class of 2D advection operators in polar index range.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator()() [1/2]

virtual host_t< DFieldRTheta > IAdvectionRTheta::operator() ( host_t< DFieldRTheta >  allfdistribu,
host_t< DConstVectorFieldRTheta< X, Y > >  advection_field,
double const  dt 
) const
pure virtual

Advect a function along the advection field given on dt with a given advection field along XY.

[in,out]allfdistribuThe function to be advected.
[in]advection_fieldThe advection field along the physical index range axes, XY.
[in]dtThe time step.
A Field of the advected function (allfdistribu).

Implemented in BslAdvectionRTheta< FootFinder, Mapping >, and BslAdvectionRTheta< SplineFootFinder, Mapping >.

◆ operator()() [2/2]

virtual host_t< DFieldRTheta > IAdvectionRTheta::operator() ( host_t< DFieldRTheta >  allfdistribu,
host_t< DConstVectorFieldRTheta< R, Theta > >  advection_field,
CoordXY const &  advection_field_xy_center,
double const  dt 
) const
pure virtual

Advect a function along the advection field given on dt with a given advection field along RTheta.

[in,out]allfdistribuThe function to be advected.
[in]advection_fieldThe advection field along the logical index range axes, RTheta.
[in]advection_field_xy_centerThe advection field along the physical index range axes, XY at the center point.
[in]dtThe time step.
A Field of the advected function (allfdistribu).

Implemented in BslAdvectionRTheta< FootFinder, Mapping >, and BslAdvectionRTheta< SplineFootFinder, Mapping >.

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