Radial fluxes of parallel momentum due to ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/1367-2630/19/1/015011/njpaa5772ieqn1.gif] $Etimes B$ and magnetic drifts are shown to be correlated in tokamak plasmas. This correlation comes from the onset of poloidal convective cells generated by turbulence. The entire process requires a symmetry breaking mechanism, e.g. a mean shear flow. An analytical calculation shows that anti-correlation between the poloidal and parallel components of the turbulent Reynolds stress results in anti-correlation of the fluxes of parallel momentum generated by ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/1367-2630/19/1/015011/njpaa5772ieqn2.gif] $Etimes B$ and curvature drifts.