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Geometry (x, v_x)

The geometryXVx folder contains all the code describing methods which are specific to a geometry with 1 spatial dimension and 1 velocity dimension. It is broken up into the following sub-folders:

  • Boltzmann solver : Solvers for a Boltzmann equation.
  • Geometry X-Vx : All the dimension tags used for a simulation in the geometry.
  • Initialization methods : Initialization methods for the distribution function.
  • Quasi-Neutrality Solver : Code describing the Quasi-Neutrality solver.
  • RHS : Code describing the operators on the right hand side of the Boltzmann equation; namely sources, sinks and collisions.
  • Time integration : Time integrators for a Boltzmann-Poisson system of equations.
  • Utils : Miscellaneous utility functions.