1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
3 #pragma once
4 #include <cassert>
6 #include <ddc/ddc.hpp>
8 #include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
10 #include "ddc_alias_inline_functions.hpp"
11 #include "ddc_aliases.hpp"
12 #include "ddc_helper.hpp"
24 template <
25  class IdxRangeQuadrature,
26  class IdxRangeTotal = IdxRangeQuadrature,
27  class MemorySpace = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::memory_space>
29 {
30 private:
32  using IdxQuadrature = typename IdxRangeQuadrature::discrete_element_type;
34  using QuadConstField = DConstField<IdxRangeQuadrature, MemorySpace>;
36  QuadConstField m_coefficients;
38 public:
44  explicit Quadrature(QuadConstField coeffs) : m_coefficients(coeffs) {}
59  template <class ExecutionSpace, class IntegratorFunction>
60  double operator()(ExecutionSpace exec_space, IntegratorFunction integrated_function) const
61  {
62  static_assert(
63  Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<ExecutionSpace, MemorySpace>::accessible,
64  "Execution space is not compatible with memory space where coefficients are found");
65  static_assert(
66  std::is_invocable_v<IntegratorFunction, IdxQuadrature>,
67  "The object passed to Quadrature::operator() is not defined on the quadrature "
68  "idx_range.");
70  QuadConstField const coeff_proxy = m_coefficients;
72  // This fence helps avoid a CPU seg fault. See #290 for more details
73  exec_space.fence();
74  // This condition is necessary to execute in serial, even in a device activated build.
75  // Without it a seg fault appears
76  if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ExecutionSpace, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>) {
77  return ddc::transform_reduce(
78  get_idx_range(coeff_proxy),
79  0.0,
80  ddc::reducer::sum<double>(),
81  KOKKOS_LAMBDA(IdxQuadrature const ix) {
82  return coeff_proxy(ix) * integrated_function(ix);
83  });
84  } else {
85  return ddc::parallel_transform_reduce(
86  exec_space,
87  get_idx_range(coeff_proxy),
88  0.0,
89  ddc::reducer::sum<double>(),
90  KOKKOS_LAMBDA(IdxQuadrature const ix) {
91  return coeff_proxy(ix) * integrated_function(ix);
92  });
93  }
94  }
111  template <class ExecutionSpace, class BatchIdxRange, class IntegratorFunction>
113  ExecutionSpace exec_space,
114  Field<double, BatchIdxRange, MemorySpace> const result,
115  IntegratorFunction integrated_function) const
116  {
117  static_assert(
118  Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<ExecutionSpace, MemorySpace>::accessible,
119  "Execution space is not compatible with memory space where coefficients are found");
120  static_assert(
121  std::is_same_v<ExecutionSpace, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace>,
122  "Kokkos::TeamPolicy only works with the default execution space. Please use "
123  "DefaultExecutionSpace to call this batched operator.");
124  using ExpectedBatchDims = ddc::type_seq_remove_t<
125  ddc::to_type_seq_t<IdxRangeTotal>,
126  ddc::to_type_seq_t<IdxRangeQuadrature>>;
127  static_assert(
128  ddc::type_seq_same_v<ddc::to_type_seq_t<BatchIdxRange>, ExpectedBatchDims>,
129  "The batch idx_range deduced from the type of result does not match the class "
130  "template parameters.");
132  // Get useful index types
133  using IdxTotal = typename IdxRangeTotal::discrete_element_type;
134  using IdxBatch = typename BatchIdxRange::discrete_element_type;
136  static_assert(
137  std::is_invocable_v<IntegratorFunction, IdxTotal>,
138  "The object passed to Quadrature::operator() is not defined on the total "
139  "idx_range.");
141  // Get index ranges
142  IdxRangeQuadrature quad_idx_range(get_idx_range(m_coefficients));
143  BatchIdxRange batch_idx_range(get_idx_range(result));
145  QuadConstField const coeff_proxy = m_coefficients;
146  // Loop over batch dimensions
147  Kokkos::parallel_for(
148  Kokkos::TeamPolicy<>(exec_space, batch_idx_range.size(), Kokkos::AUTO),
149  KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const Kokkos::TeamPolicy<>::member_type& team) {
150  const int idx = team.league_rank();
151  IdxBatch ib = to_discrete_element(idx, batch_idx_range);
153  // Sum over quadrature dimensions
154  double teamSum = 0;
155  Kokkos::parallel_reduce(
156  Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(team, quad_idx_range.size()),
157  [&](int const& thread_index, double& sum) {
158  IdxQuadrature iq
159  = to_discrete_element(thread_index, quad_idx_range);
160  IdxTotal it(ib, iq);
161  sum += coeff_proxy(iq) * integrated_function(it);
162  },
163  teamSum);
164  result(ib) = teamSum;
165  });
166  }
168 private:
179  template <class HeadDim, class... Grid1D>
180  KOKKOS_FUNCTION static Idx<HeadDim, Grid1D...> to_discrete_element(
181  int idx,
182  IdxRange<HeadDim, Grid1D...> idx_range)
183  {
184  IdxRange<Grid1D...> subidx_range(idx_range);
185  Idx<HeadDim> head_idx(ddc::select<HeadDim>(idx_range).front() + idx / subidx_range.size());
186  if constexpr (sizeof...(Grid1D) == 0) {
187  return head_idx;
188  } else {
189  Idx<Grid1D...> tail_idx = to_discrete_element(idx % subidx_range.size(), subidx_range);
190  return Idx<HeadDim, Grid1D...>(head_idx, tail_idx);
191  }
192  }
193 };
195 namespace detail {
196 template <class NewMemorySpace, class IdxRangeQuadrature, class IdxRangeTotal, class MemorySpace>
197 struct OnMemorySpace<NewMemorySpace, Quadrature<IdxRangeQuadrature, IdxRangeTotal, MemorySpace>>
198 {
200 };
201 } // namespace detail
A class providing an operator for integrating functions defined on a discrete index range.
Definition: quadrature.hpp:29
double operator()(ExecutionSpace exec_space, IntegratorFunction integrated_function) const
An operator for calculating the integral of a function defined on a discrete index range.
Definition: quadrature.hpp:60
void operator()(ExecutionSpace exec_space, Field< double, BatchIdxRange, MemorySpace > const result, IntegratorFunction integrated_function) const
An operator for calculating the integral of a function defined on a discrete index range by cycling o...
Definition: quadrature.hpp:112
Quadrature(QuadConstField coeffs)
Create a Quadrature object.
Definition: quadrature.hpp:44