This is the complete list of members for CollisionsIntra, including all inherited members.
CollisionsIntra(IdxRangeSpXVx const &mesh, double nustar0) | CollisionsIntra | |
compute_matrix_coeff(DFieldSpXVx AA, DFieldSpXVx BB, DFieldSpXVx CC, Field< double, IdxRangeSpXVx_ghosted > Dcoll, Field< double, IdxRangeSpXVx_ghosted_staggered > Dcoll_staggered, Field< double, IdxRangeSpXVx_ghosted > Nucoll, double deltat) const | CollisionsIntra | |
compute_rhs_vector(DFieldSpXVx RR, DConstFieldSpXVx AA, DConstFieldSpXVx BB, DConstFieldSpXVx CC, DConstFieldSpXVx allfdistribu, double fthresh) const | CollisionsIntra | |
fill_matrix_with_coeff(Matrix_Banded &matrix, host_t< DConstFieldVx > AA, host_t< DConstFieldVx > BB, host_t< DConstFieldVx > CC) const | CollisionsIntra | |
get_gridvx_ghosted() const | CollisionsIntra | |
get_gridvx_ghosted_staggered() const | CollisionsIntra | |
get_mesh_ghosted() const | CollisionsIntra | |
get_nustar0() const | CollisionsIntra | |
IdxRangeSpXVx_ghosted typedef | CollisionsIntra | |
IdxRangeSpXVx_ghosted_staggered typedef | CollisionsIntra | |
IdxSpXVx_ghosted typedef | CollisionsIntra | |
IdxSpXVx_ghosted_staggered typedef | CollisionsIntra | |
IdxVx_ghosted typedef | CollisionsIntra | |
IdxVx_ghosted_staggered typedef | CollisionsIntra | |
operator()(DFieldSpXVx allfdistribu, double dt) const override | CollisionsIntra | virtual |
~IRightHandSide()=default (defined in IRightHandSide) | IRightHandSide | virtual |