Dr. Julien Bigot

Dr. Julien Bigot

PDI leader, DDC designer, Gysela & Voice++ developer


Maison de la Simulation

Dr. Julien Bigot is a CEA research scientist at Maison de la Simulation. His main research interest is related to programming models and software engineering issues for HPC applications. During his Ph.D. Thesis (2007-2010) at IRISA Rennes and ENS Lyon, he proposed a HPC-dedicated software component model based on assembly compilation for hardware adaptation. He applied this approach to real life applications such as a MapReduce skeleton, a parallel FFT code and the extreme-scale plasma simulation code Gysela5D. Since 2014, he holds a permanent CEA research scientist position at Maison de la Simulation. There, he conducts research on the separation of concern between optimization and algorithm in HPC codes. He also leads the development of the PDI library used for code modularization to support separation of concern between IO optimization and the main code as well as integration of codes in complex workflows.